7'2 Al Merrick Waterhog

(I am riding it in my profile picture).

Everyone I know who knows how to surf and owns a waterhog, loves it. It works in so many different type of waves, and on a bit bigger days you can get into set waves before everyone else. It may look seem like just a beginners board at first glance, but if you put it on the rail, you can get some work done. My older brother who surfs much better than me always tries to steal my waterhog from me! It's a great board also for surfing new places you haven't surfed to get the feel for the spot, especially if you're surfing a rocky spot on the oregon coast.

From CI website:

A good wave catcher, this mini-longboard bridges the gap between the performance oriented M-13 hybrid model and our longboard line. Low entry rocker for trimming and enough tail rocker to stay high performance. Bottom goes from flat entry with concave, to vee out the tail. Al suggests riding this as a thruster, available from 7’0″ to 8’11”. Can also be ordered as a single box with side biters.


You want to ride tons of waves without riding a longboard.


Ankle-high to Head and a half

Board dimensions: 7'2
Brand: Channel Islands Surfboards
Fin type: Tri/thruster

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